Thursday, August 23, 2007

Thoughts for Thursday

This week I have been in charge of games during our church's VBS. Everything has been going quite well, praise the Lord. We have had rain most days, but thankfully our games work fine indoors as well. Ally and Marissa, two girls who were in my class last year, have been helping me this week. They do a fantastic job. The youngest group- k4 and k5 - has been a bit of a challenge for us. With so many youngsters we have a hard time keeping their attention and explaining the games to them. We have resorted to playing Duck Duck Goose half the time and letting them have "free time" the rest of the time. Next year we will plan better I am sure.

I am not terribly excited about having to get up every morning at 7:30, but this week has been preparing me for teacher in- service next week then school the following week. Since I am not a morning person I need some time to get used to waking up early to an alarm clock. It irks me that I am thankful for having to get up early, but I can't help it. =)
**Photos are Cate and Will Anhalt. My cousin's kids, and my honorary niece and nephew (plus their two older brothers).

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