Friday, December 24, 2010

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Family Christmas

We met at T & A's on the 18th for dinner and gifts. The house was cozy and the dog was crazy! (no picture of him, sorry)

Monday, November 22, 2010

Youth After Church (in other words, YAC)

I've now been serving in my church youth group for a year and a half. The time has past quickly and I have been blessed beyond measure. Part of our youth ministry is what we call our yac's, or "youth after church". Different families in the church host the teens after Sunday night church and provide food for them. Sometimes, like last night, it's a bonfire with games in the dark scary woods (no thank you!). Other times it might be inside playing games or at someone's pool or singing with the guys' and their guitars or just a fun night of laughing and chatting with each other. Last night Eden was taking lots of pictures as usual, and Liz wanted one with me. She shouted, "Who wants a picture with Lindsey?!" And all these kids here...about half our group...came running over all excited to be in the picture. It was so sweet! My smile is so huge because it made my heart swell with the love they were showing for me, one of the bossy adults they have to put up with. =) Thank God for amazing teens and the privilege of being their friend and mentor!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Dig Pink

To show our support for breast cancer awareness/research our school is having a Dig Pink day. Everyone is wearing pink! At the volleyball games tonight the girls will be wearing pink socks and jerseys, too. Admission fees will be donated to breast cancer research. Recently our 1st/2nd grade teacher was diagnosed with breast cancer. We are honored to support her by wearing pink today and giving money to help fund research. Dig Pink!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Math Rocks

This school year I once again have the privilege of being the 2nd grade and 4th grade math teacher!! So far it has been just as good as or even better than last year, if that's possible. I have six second grade students and seven fourth grade students. Both classes are fun and bright. Within a week or so my second graders were writing "Math Rocks" all over their papers. My fourth graders leave with happy "Thank You!"'s and "That was fun!!" Phew, cause sometimes the lessons or activities seem to be a flop. If the kids are enjoying class and learning, then I am pleased. Today the second graders had a pattern to design and color after their test. I pulled out my bags and boxes of crayons....I have tons! Charlie (yes, my Charlie, as in Charlie and Sydney, they're in my math class this year=) was impressed with the amount and said to me, "You are a prepared woman!" That brought a smile to my face, for certain. If you check out our school's new website and find me under "Contact...Faculty" you will see that I have been given the title of "Math Specialist." I had to laugh when I first saw that. I'm not sure how special I am, but I sure think math is special! It seems that my young scholars agree with me. Let's hope I can keep that positive, excited attitude going through the next few years!

Thursday, August 5, 2010

The Last Month or So

July 1 - welcomed my newest nephew into the world, Miles James
July 4th weekend - spent it in Indiana with the Pattens
July 8 thru 17 - went to South Dakota with the senior high youth group from Lakeshore, saw things like Mt Rushmore, the Badlands, Needles Highway, Harney Peak, Wind Cave National Park
July 22 thru 25 - Julie Muse came from Wisconsin to visit and we went to the beach (swam in HUGE waves on a red flag day) and to Kirby Grill (for the first time!) plus other fun stuff
July 30 thru August 14 - Sadie sitting at the lake house while Anhalts are in Togo
August 1 thru 7 - Coast Guard week; danced in the street Tuesday night with Josh, parade and craft show with mom, fireworks with Kristin

And in between all those dates I've been babysitting the twins of course, hangin' out with Kristin alot, got to see Kristen McCracken (well, DeHaven now!) while she's home from Georgia, had a few of the senior high girls over for a sleepover, tested several new students for the upcoming school year, etc. Good times! Summer's been fantastic and I can't wait for school to start! 

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Have You Ever Seen....

a pregnant rattlesnake having an ultrasound and surgery...LIVE?! We did, yesterday at Potter Park Zoo in Lansing, MI. What an unexpected treat! We got to watch outside through a big window; we were only about two feet away from the action. It was great. Charlie especially loved it, kept saying it was awesome and she wants to be a vet. You may hate snakes and think watching a snake surgery is disgusting, but seriously, how many people get to see such a thing?! I thought it was a really neat opportunity, not just for me but especially for the kiddos.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Here They Are, My Eight

My Eight

I'd like to share with you some of the wonderful qualities that I observed in my eight students last year. Some students display similar qualities, but I hope mentioning them won't take away from the individuality of each young person. They are all wonderful people whom I love with all my heart!

Abbie - creative, hard-working, helpful, great with little kids, makes great posters

Alex - incredible artist, attentive to detail, great sense of humor, knows alot about history and wars

Christian - deep thinker, hard-worker, generous, great sense of humor, likes to help

Gillian - kind, diligent, sweet spirit, encourager, loves to have fun, has a great smile

Kaitlyn - fun, honest, helpful, patient with people, good basketball player

Keith - fun sense of humor, respectful, creative writer, unselfish, energetic

Macie - positive attitude, honest, hard-working, great at memory verses

Sarah - thoughtful and creative writer, easy-going, honest, strives to do right,

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Camp Outta Here

At the end of the school year, for the last two years, I have been in charge of an elementary event known as Camp Outta Here. It is two half-days of fun and games for the kids during the last two days of school. It is a big event and a stressful one for me to plan. This year especially, I saw God working to help me and calm my worries. Here are some lessons I learned about myself, about life, about people...

1. Though organizing big events like Camp does not come naturally to me, this has been a great experience to tuck away for future use in other schools, youth groups, etc. Another "card" to file away to be pulled out again someday if necessary.
2. I cannot do everything on my own.
3. It's okay to ask for help.
4. Other people have good ideas, too. In fact, most of them are better ideas than mine!
5. A little stress is okay because it motivates me to get things done.
6. Working ahead is a good thing - procrastinating is not, it just adds to the stress.
7. I can be organized if I really want to be.
8. It's okay to change plans if a better idea comes up. I need to be more flexible.
9. Most people will get involved in some way or another, I just might have to ask instead of wait for them to offer.
10. God knows what I need and He's going to help me.
11. I need to start trusting people and relying on their help more. Not everyone is going to let me down.
12. "Busy" is good, it keeps me from being lazy and wasteful of my time.
13. When it comes down to it, all that matters is that God is pleased with how I've conducted myself throughout the planning process and the event. Not everything will go perfectly, but God is always good and I can still respond in a way that honors Him.

Monday, May 10, 2010


My second grade boys are too funny...Wyatt is a sweet kid who's always saying the cutest things...

"I was going to say something but Joshua erupted me."

"Woah, I got a little carried away!"

"Miss D., you look like a detective. Detective Miss. D.!" (my jacket made him think I looked like a detective..funny, Ryan thought I looked like a chef...???!!!)

New Class

My students today thought it would be amusing to call everyone by their middle name. I am now Miss Lea, and my students are Mae, Sarah, Lynn, Jared, John, Dakota, Diana, and Marie. I guess tomorrow we're going by our last names...

Friday, May 7, 2010

Friday Afternoon

It's 2:11 and all's well...
Abbie is working on her math lesson;
Sarah and Macie are reviewing vocab. on the chalkboard;
Keith, Alex, Christian, Kaitlyn, and Gillian are quietly reading in the comfy chairs;
I am grading a pile of math papers.
It's 2:11 and all's well.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Fourth Grade Math...A Look Back

As the year is winding down, I am reminded more and more of the experiences I've had this year. Each of my classes has been a blessing - and a blast! Today I'd like to share some memories about my fourth grade math class.
I began the year with just one student, Emily. She is a sweet, bright girl. We had a great time doing lessons and playing math games. In October, Noah, a former third grade student, joined our class. He added a whole new dynamic to the class! This boy is sharp as a tack. He is witty, quick to pick up new concepts, and observant. He likes to talk, which is not always a good thing for class, but I have learned alot from him! At the beginning there was some competition between Noah and Emily, but they have learned to work together and help eachother. Here are some of the wonderful moments, experiences, jokes, we have shared in fourth grade math:
-"You forgot to turn off the gravity!" There is an invisible path in my room from the door to the table in which Noah and Emily are constantly dropping things. They blame it on the gravity and claim it is stronger some days than others. We joke that there is a switch with which I can turn the gravity off and on.
-Making division problems using bean bags and jump ropes was fun when Em and Noah were "too smart" for the work.
-Shooting rubber bands at a target I drew on the chalk board was the time I laughed the most. Poor Noah had a tough time getting his rubber band to fly forward. I suggested he turn around and then when the rubber band flew backwards it would hit the target. Wouldn't ya know it, the rubber band actually went forward that time and he still totally missed the target.
-Sometimes we play multiplication war. Once we had a three-way "war"!
-Once we ate donuts and played bingo in the kitchen as a reward for something (I think), or it was just for fun.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

What Do You Think I am Doing?!

Busy, that is what I am. Good busy. Not bored. That is good! Here's what I am currently up to...

-planning Camp Outta Here an all-elementary end-of-the-year bash with tons of games and fun!

-tutoring a seventh grade girl in math definitely a challenge but I love math and I love the opportunity to be a blessing!

-making summer plans which include watching the twins Monday through Friday, going to South Dakota for ten days with the senior high youth group, spending as many days as possible at the beach, running in the North Ottawa Dunes trails several times a week, and housing several guests (Lord willing!) during the summer months.

-praying about my future considering if this is where God has me "for permanent" or if he has other plans for me.

Maybe it doesn't sound like a lot right now, but you know how the day-to-day stuff can get. Camp, and other school stuff, is taking up the most of my time right now and keeping me busy. It's a little crazy sometimes, but I truly enjoy it!! Praise the Lord for a life full of stuff I love to do!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Never a Dull Classroom

  • The other day Keith asked me, "Does your mom let you watch videos on YouTube?"
  • Christian finished a recent journal entry, in which students had to choose one person and one item with which to be stranded on a deserted (not desserted) island, this way..."I would like to be on an island. I do like the tropics!" Way to be positive, Christian. =)
  • Yesterday morning I was testing white board markers on the large classroom white board. Markers that worked I tossed over by the cabinet to be put away with the small white boards in a drawer. The kids thought it was rather funny to see me chucking markers across the room. Later in the day, Macie was getting out her own white board markers to share with others as we prepared to use the small white boards for an activity. She started throwing the markers to the other student, and I said, "Hey, we do NOT through things in this classroom!!" Of course, I said it in jest, considering my own actions previously in the day. The whole class laughed loudly and gave me a hard time. It was all a bunch of fun and silliness.  =)

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Friday, March 5, 2010

Consider My Medication

Oh what fun are young children! They never cease to amaze...or make me laugh =) Here's just a few of the latest...
Christian: "Which one [of Christ's miracles] was the most miraculous?"
Keith: "They were all miraculous!!!!"
Wyatt: Thank you, Miss D., for all this delightful stuff!
Christian: Psalm 5:1b, "Consider my medication..."

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Tuesday, February 16, 2010

"How can you tell your parents love you?"

This is what my fifth and sixth graders said...
They tell me they love me
They bring me to a Christian school
They make sure I don't lie
They tell me they love me
They help me with my homework
She doesn't waste her money
She doesn't let me do whatever I want
They help me on projects that are hard
They protect me
I get to sleep in their bed
They feed me every night (and other times during the day, I hope!=)
They teach about God
They go to work for me
They make sure I'm in good hands
They tuck me in at night
They do fun things with me
They put us kids as their first priority
They pay for schooling for me
They let me do crazy things
They let me have friends over

And this is what I say...Even though I'm an adult and don't live with my parents anymore I know they love me because...
They still buy me food sometimes
They got me new tires
They pay for alot of other things too!
They let me come over whenever I want
They like to hang out with me
They pray for me all the time
They listen to my problems and give me good advice
They encourage me to be a good teacher, friend, Christian
They love my friends and my students
They make sure I'm not getting myself too busy
They bring me souvenirs from their vacations
They tell me the truth even when I might not like it
They'll get up late at night or early in the morning to help me (bring medicine, get my car out of the snow, etc.!)
They say "I love you"
...and so so so much more!!!!
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Tuesday, February 2, 2010


Last night the LACE girls were at my house because Kris is out of town. I try to do good discussions and not just talk the entire time, but I am a teacher and it is too easy for me to just talk!!! (sorry girls=) We are talking this semester about not wasting our lives. After reviewing stuff from last week, I talked about "life descriptions" of people from the Bible. Some were Anna, Ezra, Josiah, Hezekiah, Zacharias and Elizabeth (my favorite!), and Job. I made the point that these people probably didn't know that their lives would be recorded for all eternity to know and see! What if God wrote something down about our lives today that would be "kept on file" for all eternity? What would God write? That challenged me, even as I shared the thought with the girls! I ended with Ecclesiastes 12:13-14. That verse basically says that the whole point is to fear God and keep His commandments. If we don't do that our lives are wasted. I think it stuck with some of the girls. I hope so. As I reviewed and studied and prayed I was moved by God. I so hope they were as well. And as you read this post, I hope you are challenged, too, to think about your life in view of eternity. What have you done for God today? What time has been wasted in the last 24 hours? It's a sobering, humbling thought!!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010


Today's journal entry required students to make a list of people, places, or things that come to mind when they think of the word "serene". I was impressed with the lists my students came up with so I decided to share a few from each list with you...if you knew my kids, you would be as touched as I was. I hope you are moved by their thoughtfulness anyway! 

an eagle soaring high above
walking through pine trees on a sunny day
water splashing on the shore
midnight sky
watching the snow or rain
a hot bubble bath
a sunset
the sunlight through my window
my sister's skin
a mountain range
a bride and groom's first dance
Bethlehem when Jesus was born
a baby falling asleep in his mother's arms for the first time

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Monday, January 25, 2010

Early Morning Funny

"I'm feeling less sneezy already."
Poor Noah, one of my fourth grade math students, has allergies or something that cause him to be sniffing and sneezing constantly. When he feels a sneeze coming on he gets up for a tissue, but the sneeze disappears. You know the feeling! This morning during his test I had him just get some tissues to keep at the table beside him. Getting up for the tissues, Noah commented, "I feel less sneezy already." I love this kid!! =)

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Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Fearless Feet - Beautiful Feet

I was walking last night and I thought of all the places my feet have been and all the things they've done. Of course, my whole body went along with the feet, but if you take a moment to focus just on your feet, thinking back to what they've been through, you'll remember a whole lot things. As I thought of the places and things, I was amazed at what a full life I've led! Take some time to ponder the paths your feet have trod over the years, the things they've done, places they've been, and THANK GOD for the life He's given you. Here are a few examples that I thought of for my feet...praise God =)
*Hiked in the Alps, Appalachians, Grand Tetons, and Badlands
*Stood in the Pacific, Atlantic, Gulf of Mexico, Lake Michigan, and Lake Huron
*Danced the tango, foxtrot, chacha, samba, swing, mambo, waltz, salsa, and hustle
*Walked the streets of California, Mexico, Ukraine, and Germany
*Driven bicycles, go-carts, two-seater sports cars, 15-passenger vans, and my Ford Focus
*Toured cathedrals, museums, aircraft carriers, zoos
*Kicked soccer balls, chased little kids, escaped little kids, walked to and from classes for four years, ran up and down a zillion stairs at Rosy Mound
*Been stepped on, pampered, door to door selling candy or passing out tracts, blistered by burning blacktop, stuck with thorns, buried in sand, at the edge of the Grand Canyon
The list could go on and on and on...but you get the idea. I'd love to hear where your feet have carried you over the years! My greatest goal for my feet, though, is found in the book of Isaiah - "How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him who brings good news, who proclaims peace, who brings glad tidings of good things, who proclaims salvation, who says to Zion, 'Your God reigns!'" My feet have done much over the years, but they are most precious to God when they carry the Good News of Jesus Christ to those who have not heard it. The travels and trials of my feet are in vain should I forget to take with me "Jesus Christ and Him crucified."

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Monday, January 18, 2010


"I don't smell anything. Don't plug your nose, there's no stink!" (2nd grader to his classmates)
"Nice carrot. It's all carrots should be." (4th grader to me)
"I'm always talking." (5th grader to me, and unfortunately it's completely true!)
The following took place just prior to taking a 5-minute, addition-fact timing in 2nd grade math class -
Jared: "I have butterflies in my stomach."
Jack: "Me too!!!! Jared, I have the same thing! Miss D. isn't it funny that we both have the same thing?!"

So, my second grade boys fight over where to sit at the table during math class. They usually work it out themselves, though one or two boys might be unhappy with the arrangement. Well, I got tired of it so I labeled the spots at the table with numbers 1-5. Today we "drew sticks" (popsicle sticks with the boys' names on them) to see who would sit where. They will get the seat for one week, then we'll rotate clockwise next Monday and so on for the rest of the year. Problem solved! When they came in this morning I asked if they noticed anything different about the table, thinking they'd see the little white papers with numbers on them (they were just below the edge of the tabletop on a little part of the table that runs perpendicular to the top, so not immediately visible, I admit). Anyway, I asked, "Do you notice anything different about the table?" Here are a few responses I got, before they found the number tags:
"It's wider."
"It's longer."
"It's cleaner."
"It's waaaayyyy dirtier."

"It's new."
"It's old."

"There's a white thing on it." (a tiny scrap of paper, not the number tag)
Perhaps my second graders aren't the best "noticers" in the school. Oh well! I love them, they love me, and we all love math - so it's all good!
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Friday, January 15, 2010

A "Must Read"

If you want to read a powerful book and be challenged in the time you spend in prayer, read Power Through Prayer by E. M. Bounds. I have one chapter left - thus far my mind has been changed, my eyes opened, my faith challenged, and my determination to live for God enhanced. I recommend this book to any serious Christian who desires to improve their relationship with God for it lights a fire and pushes one to action in the area of prayer and communion with the Savior. It's not a light and fluffy book, so be prepared to think as you read. I've been reading just one short chapter at a time because the author gives so much to ponder in just a few pages! I hope you'll read the book, take action to change things, and be blessed!

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Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Do Over

As a teacher I would love to move through all my lessons at a rapid, consistent pace with students picking up each concept quickly. I would like to stay on schedule, get a steady rhythm going, and not be interrupted til the last day of school. How nice it would be to just flow smoothly through the year without questions, confusion, distractions, or delays. Unfortunately, that would only happen in a perfect, Utopian world....I don't live there. So today, the sixth graders are taking a make-up math test because the highest score yesterday was a D+, and the fifth graders will spend the math class doing corrections because most of them got C's, D's, or F's. In my brain I think, "AAHHH!! Why can't they get this right?! We go over and over and over the concepts and in class they participate and answer everything right. Why is it so different on a math paper?!" I could scream and throw the papers at the students in frustration, but what good would that do? No good, because with me they would probably laugh, knowing I wasn't serious. But really, they need a do-over day, a re-do, another chance. What good am I if my students leave my class having learned nothing? I would rather they master a handful of concepts than vaguely understand a myriad of them. And how many of us always learn a new concept perfectly the first time? I, for one, have made mistakes over and over again in the same areas, but God keeps giving me another chance. And that's life, not just math class. I wonder how often God thinks about me, "We just went over this, Lindsey, why are you not getting it?!" In His grace and mercy, He probably doesn't even think that, but I sure think that about myself! Thank God for the many second chances and do-overs He gives, and think about someone you can give a second chance to today. I'm off to make copies of that math test...

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Being Great

2010 has definitely begun on the right foot - pretty much on every level. Praise the Lord!
School - Heading back into the school year I was just getting over a bad head cold that had me practically bedridden for an entire week. I was not at all ready, physically or mentally, to come back to school. But come 7:30 Monday morning, January 4, I was at my desk preparing for the first day back. All day I felt awful, but God gave me His amazing grace to not only survive the day, but to actually stay on top of things and get much accomplished. And it's stayed like that since then. I have been working more diligently, focusing better, and getting much more done both in class and in my prep times. I can only thank God for His power in me because on my own I am weak in every way.
Service - I am excited this year especially in my work with the Youth Group. Last June I started with the senior high youth group, and I love it. On Monday nights I work with our youth pastor's wife to lead the girls' group, LACE (Ladies After Christ's Example). As I help Kris plan and participate in the Bible studies and activities, I have opportunities to minister to teen girls who are at every stage emotionally, spiritually, and so on. I feel it's both a huge responsibilty and an incredible blessing. Besides LACE, I have finally been able to join our youth pastor, the youth music leader, and some of the teens once a month for a Sunday service at a local retirement home. Last year my schedule for volunteering at the jail church service fell on the same Sunday as "retirement home Sunday" so I was not able to attend until December. This year my commitment to the jail ministry will not overlap with the retirement home Sunday except for September and October. Finally, this summer I may have the opportunity to join the senior high youth on a trip to South Dakota to study the land with a Creationist professor. I am thrilled about this opportunity!

Spiritual life - As I contemplated the new year back in December, I tried to think of areas of my life that I could work on in 2010. One area is that of my prayer life. I started reading Power Through Prayer, by E. M. Bounds, a while ago, and God has used that book to impact my life. I have been convicted about the time I spend in prayer, who and what I pray for, why I pray. Since then I have had more, and longer, meaningful times of prayer than I had in all 2009 probably! Praise God!! I am also striving to deepen my faith and my relationship with God. I have been a shallow, lazy Christian and that is about to change. It's time to get my eyes off myself, to get up off my couch, and go do something great for God. And let me tell you, my quotidian lifestyle may not offer many opportunities for greatness, but I don't have to leave Grand Haven to be great for God. As much as I would love to start a new and exciting life elsewhere, God has planted me here for the time being and I can't wait 'til if or when to start living a great and godly life. It starts here and now, today, with me.  

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