Thursday, August 27, 2009

Our Great God

David praised the LORD in the presence of the whole assembly, saying, 
   "Praise be to you, O LORD, 
   God of our father Israel, 
   from everlasting to everlasting.
 Yours, O LORD, is the greatness and the power 
   and the glory and the majesty and the splendor, 
   for everything in heaven and earth is yours. 
   Yours, O LORD, is the kingdom; 
   you are exalted as head over all.

 Wealth and honor come from you; 
   you are the ruler of all things. 
   In your hands are strength and power 
   to exalt and give strength to all.

 Now, our God, we give you thanks, 
   and praise your glorious name."

1 Chronicles 29:10-13

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Sunday, August 23, 2009

Necessity is the Mother of Invention

Problem: full bladder, lock broken on empty stall's door
Solution 1: wait for occupied stall to be vacated
Solution 2: use trusty ink pen to stick through broken lock in place of missing slidey thingy
I chose option 2 and was rather proud of my creative thinking on the spot. Normally I would not have thought of that. I am becoming more creative in my old age. Woohoo!

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Friday, August 21, 2009

The Beach on a Stormy Night

Last night Kenzie Green and I walked on the boardwalk all the way down to the beach. It had been stormy all day, but was nice and refreshing last night. Windy, though. We didn't even get to the pier because waves were crashing onto it, making it treacherous as ever. The lake itself looked rather fierce. Crowds of people were gathered at the beginning of the pier as well as down on the beach, watching people (the dumb ones) surfing, swimming, and getting rescued. Duh. We stayed and watched for a while, almost getting washed away ourselves once or twice. Eventually, four police officers showed up, as well as some park rangers. Oh, and there was a news guy down there, too. We didn't see tons happening actually - no one was running around frantically, talking in hurried anxious tones on walkie-talkies - but it was exciting nevertheless. The sky was also a sight to behold, by the way. Off in the distance we saw sheets of rain that, at first, appeared to be water spouts. On the north side of the pier, the sunset looked as lovely as ever, all pink and orange and glowing. Clouds heading east were heavy and menacing, and we did get a few rain drops on our faces. As we walked back a bit later, I realized that while we were down at the beach I had only been able to hear the wind, the waves, and words spoken directly into my ear. God's creation can be noisy! It would have been a perfect night for a dozen great pictures, but I, of course, did not have my camera. Doh! You will just have to close your eyes now and try to imagine the power of the wind and water, hear the waves crashing and the wind whistling, and feel the cold rain and stinging sand on your face. What an adventure!

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Thursday, August 20, 2009

Senior High

At the end of last school year I had the opportunity to speak to the senior high girls at a LACE (Ladies After Christ's Example) meeting. I shared a testimony about what God has been doing in my life the past couple years. The testimony included stuff about dance, depression, and decisions to make things right. I was invited to join the ladies and Kris (youth pastor's wife, in charge of LACE) for their final meeting of the school year. Really, I enjoyed it immensely! Shortly after I spoke at LACE, Pastor Nate (youth pastor) asked me to think about working with the senior high youth group. Wow, what a cool thing. The last few years I had been thinking about working with the youth group but had never said anything to anyone about it. Then it just didn't seem the right time, but now it was perfect time and I could tell it was God giving me a wide open door. I had awesome encouragement and support from Nate and some of the senior high girls I am close to. I also sought opinions from other people I respect and they all told me youth group seemed like a great ministry for me. So, in June I began my one-year commitment to work with the senior high youth group. Nate's requirements for his leaders are more than reasonable: he expects us to attend faithfully Wednesday nights and a handful of activities throughout the year. He is sensitive to leaders with families and busy schedules, but he wants them to get involved with the kids' lives too. As a single person, I am more flexible I think so I decided to jump right in. I've done some activities, hosted a YAC (youth after church) at my house, and helped with the LACE summer activity. This school year I am going to continue working with LACE, and I want to start helping out when they do the retirement home service once a month. All of this, to me, is an enormous blessing and one of the most fun things I have ever done. God has put in my heart a deep, full love for the senior high teens. I am being challenged to live out my faith in a clearer way, to be thoughtful of my decisions, and to reach out to young people in a new way. It's all very exciting and I hope you'll pray for me this year as I get more deeply involved with the teens. Pray that God will grow and teach me so I can make an impact for Him in the lives of these impressionable teens.

Monday, August 10, 2009