Friday, August 17, 2007

Is it possible to have more than one "favorite"?

According to part of the definition for the word favorite is "preferred above all others." Is it possible, then, to have more than one favorite? I have found in my life that there is hardly anything that I could say is my one preferred thing above all others. For instance if people were to ask me what my favorites were of the following categories I would answer this way:

food? ice cream, chips & salsa, cereal and milk
color? turquoise, pink, black
beverage? water, orange juice, coffee, hot chocolate
dance? samba, waltz, salsa, hustle
book? The Libraryby Sarah Stewart, The Penderwick's by Jeanne Birdsall, Ghost Soldiers by Hampton Sides
song? The Love of God, Neville's Waltz, The Way You Look Tonight

See what I mean? I could not honestly give you one answer for any of those categories, or any other you could come up with. What does it mean?! Is anyone else like that? The only thing of which I have one favorite is the seasons. Fall is my favorite season and the others can't compare. I love them all for one reason or another, but fall ranks miles high above the rest. But anyway, other than that, I am a woman of many tastes! I love to wear grubby jeans and boots and tromp around the woods, but I also love to dress up in my finest and go out for a fancy dinner or to the symphony. I love chick flicks, drama, and action films. And food, I pretty much just love any kind of food!

So here is a totally random post that hopefully shows you what an insane...I mean interesting!...person I am.


Melissa Franklin said...

I love ya girl! And I completely agree, although I think the reason I can never choose a favorite is because I'm so indecisive! lol!

Lindsey said...

hey, I love you too! and I miss you!