Monday, April 21, 2008


Yesterday I went to the jail to monitor the ladies pod during the afternoon service. Afterward one young lady came up to me and asked if I was in a rush to leave. Actually, I had to use the restroom quite badly, but I said I could stay and talk for a bit. She told me how she had been watching me (she's been in for a while and seen me lots of times) and noticed that I was young, "hip" (me?!), cool, fun, happy...and a Christian. She said she looked at me and thought, "She seems really happy, why am I not happy like that?" I firmly believe she has accepted Christ as her Savior, and is now desiring a change of life beyond her change of heart. What an encouragement that was to me! I was so humbled, because I know my heart and, like the song says, the only good in me is Jesus. I made sure she knew that. She wanted to know "how I do it". How I live my life in a godly way and still be so cool. (that is so funny to me, I never consider myself cool!) I showed her the put off - renew the mind -put on principle from Ephesians 4, and also Psalm 119:45 (or 43?) That one says "I walk at liberty for I obey your precepts" or something along those lines. Basically, I wanted her to understand that consistent reading of the Word, prayer, and minute by minute decisions to obey God are the ways to have a changed life, a godly life. I was unsure whether or not to tell you all about this, it does seem prideful. I hope you realize that something like this is actually a humbling, and even a scary situation. It is another reminder that people are watching me. Do they all see what my new friend sees? More importantly, what does God see when they're not looking? I was so blessed to talk with this young Christian yesterday; I can only thank God and pray for His continued help in maintaining a Christ- like testimony to the world.

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