Sunday, April 13, 2008

My God is Amazing

Lately I have been thinking about the circumstances surrounding my recent move to my own place. I would like to take a minute to share some things with you about that. I moved back to Michigan to live with my parents after my senior year of college. That would be May of 2005. I did student teaching that fall, then started at Lakeshore, 3rd and 4th grade, in January of 2006. During those months I was not happy about having to live at home. After living in Wisconsin for four years, basically on my own, it was hard to move back in with mom and dad! After a while I got over it pretty much. I have a fabulous relationship with my parents and they had no problem with me living my life the way I chose. Really, it was fine. But time passed and I got restless and discontent again. Fall of 2006 I started my second year of teaching at LBA and still had no hope for moving out any time soon. I always bugged TAD to move out with me, but he would say, "Lindsey, why would you want to move out together and have to pay when we can live here together for free!" Well, duh, I didn't want to go or stay to live with him! The point was to just get on my own. Men! Anyway, I searched high and low for a roommate or a place I could afford by myself. Nothing, nothing, and more nothing! I think I almost went crazy. What a hard time I had being content and waiting on God. Boy, it was tough. Fall 2007 brought my third year at LBA and my 24th birthday, and I was still at mom and dad's. I love them, so much, but I just wanted a place of my own!!! TAD moved out in October and I was jealous. He didn't actually have his own place, but he was still a little more on his own. Then, all of a sudden, two days after Christmas 2007, TAD emailed me and asked if I still wanted to move out, and what about with him? Again I say, "Duh!" We started calling around and looking at apartments, duplexes, etc. the next day. Of course, we were not planning on finding anything the first day or deciding on something if we did. God had other plans! After a day of looking, TAD got a call back about a duplex that night and went to look at it. He said, "Lindsey, it took my breath away. I think you need to come see it." I was at Gram and Gramps' so we all packed in the car and met TAD at the house. He was was perfect. The first thing I noticed was the high ceiling in the main front room. At our height, that high ceiling was a tremendous blessing. The rest of the house...2 rooms, huge basement, garage, bathroom...all of it was perfect. On top of all that, the rent was insanely low. It was probably a hundred dollars cheaper than everything else and twice as nice. It was obvious that this place was it. We slept on it, knowing full well that we would sign the lease the next day. So here we are, three months later, and so incredibly happy. After two and a half years of waiting, God put perfection in my path in a matter of three days. Amazing. Only God could have done something like that. I wish I could even begin to make you understand how incredible it all is. I am so grateful that God closed all the doors over the two and a half years before now because I would have been in a yucky apartment with an annoying roommate just so I could get out on my own. Though impatient, I am glad I waited for God. His way is perfect, and so is His timing. Praise Him! To see pictures of our place that God so graciously provided, click here and here.

1 comment:

Heather said...

This is exciting. I'm so happy for you that you found a place!