Saturday, March 15, 2008

You tell me....

So, I got one of those notices in the mail saying that I'm getting $600 from the government. Good for us, huh? I'll believe it when I have the check in my hands. But, in case it truly does happen, what to do with all that money?! My first response was, "Yes! More ballroom lessons!" But should I do the responsible thing and put it all into savings to use for some good purpose at a later date? Do I use it to keep up with my ballroom lessons? Do I put it all toward my student loan? Do I use it for a super fun vacation? What do you think, eh? I'd love to hear your suggestions! =) You better hurry or else I will have it all spent before it even gets here and it might not be in a very responsible way! (I have a tendency to do that when I know- or think- I have some money coming my way...I know, I'm bad.)


Anonymous said...
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Traci said...

I would recommend waiting until the money is in hand and then using part for fun and saving a good chunk for the proverbial rainy day. It woulnd't hurt to apply some toward your student loans. (Saving and paying off debts will help you feel better about the portion you choose to spend in a more fun way!) I know this from experience! I tend to spend the same money twice.

Lindsey said...

Great idea Mrs. Mayes! Thanks!