Thursday, March 6, 2008

An m&m memory

As I sat at my desk today eating some m&m's that I had bought for my class candy basket, I thought of a great college memory. My junior and senior years at Maranatha I was an RA in Weeks Dormitory. I had a great m&m dispenser that my uncle had made and given me for a birthday present. I kept m&m's in it and told the girls on my floor that they could come in any time to chat and get a handful of candy. One day my friend Maria and I were both stressed out for one reason or another. She stopped by my room to visit; I offered her some m&m's and took some for myself. As we stood and talked, eating handful after handful of m&m's, I decided to just unscrew the jar from the base so we could just eat straight out of that. We ended up eating the entire jar of m&m's right then and there! We still laugh about that one. A good friend to talk to and an abundance of chocolate is the perfect remedy for a stressful day...I highly recommend it.

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