Saturday, March 8, 2008

The Word

Take a moment to listen to this song that is currently at the top of my playlist. The words are powerful. God's Word was, is, and will be. I love that she quotes Scripture in this song! One part she talks about finding something to fit our needs like finding something to wear...if it doesn't fit just the way we like, we through it in the Salvation Army (or Goodwill or whatever!) pile. We can't do that with God's Word, every letter and phrase is pertinent to you and me every single day. I love this song. I hope it can be a reminder to you, as it was to me, to put a high priority on studying, learning, and living God's Word.

1 comment:

gone forever said...

VERY cool song. I haven't heard it in FOREVER!! Thanks for sharing =).

and I LOVE your profile pic...other than it makes me miss playing soccer with yoU! You look so cute in that pic =)!