Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Old longings nomadic leap,
Chafing at custom's chain;
Again from its brumal sleep
Wakens the ferine strain.
I wish I could take credit for writing this tiny masterpiece, but I must give credit where credit is due: these are the first words you read in The Call of the Wild, by Jack London. Much to my chagrin, I have never read that book, but today I was leafing through a copy on my bookshelf at school. I had to look up a couple words to be a hundred percent sure of their meanings, but I was soon able to work through the verbosity. This is a fantastic little composition, the likes of which I would be delighted to pen myself someday. If you are still trying to put it all together so it makes sense, look up a few of the words here and here. Think about it first, though, and see if you can't come up with something on your own. It'll be good for your brain, trust me.

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