Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Snowy Day...NOT a Snow Day

we don't really want visitors...just kidding, we never really used this front door =)

everything is so white!

my car is just behind a pile of snow, not actually buried!

mom's Jag has been sitting for a couple days

Snow has been falling on a regular basis these days and lots of it. We didn't see too much during the day today, but just before school let out it started coming like nobody's business. I barely made it home. Actually, I am not even home yet, just at mom and dad's. It is beautiful, but treacherous. As I was driving here, I was amazed by the power of my God. He makes the seasons come and go. In His hands is the authority and majesty and might that is, to me, incomprehensible. Michigan is blessed to see so much change in the weather that gives glory to our great God alone. Don't fear the snow and ice; don't despise the cold. Praise God for His omnipotence, and trust in His steadfast love!

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