Friday, February 15, 2008

My Weakness

I can't help it, I love ice cream! And every knows it... These were from friends and family for various occasions, including one from mom for Valentine's Day. Now I have almost $45 of gift cards to Cold Stone. (I had over $50 but I treated Ally Sides and myself yesterday!)


tacky said...

Come for a visit! I love going to Coldstone...but nobody will take me! I can sense a "girl's night"...hee hee! Have a good week and stay warm! Kari
p.s. On second thought, it is still too cold for ice cream...I am warm for the first time this week!

Lindsey said...

Hey, when's your spring break? Are you going somewhere? Want a visit from a friend for a day or two?! I can bring my cold stone cards..... =)

Melissa Franklin said...

I just have to tell you that I am incredibly jealous...
