Saturday, January 5, 2008

Getting Settled

I have spent the last, um, four nights in my new house! The first three I was by myself because TAD was either working or out with friends. It was a little scary being alone. I kept hearing noises and thinking, "what was that? who's in my house?" Pretty funny actually! =) We might be getting a washer and drier tomorrow, thank the Lord. Then all we need is dining room chairs. I still have to eat standing up. Oh well. I haven't got any good pictures yet of how it looks with all our stuff in it, but I will do that soon and get them on here so you can all see our place. Now I am heading out to get some groceries. How weird! But fun. I am definitely realizing the need to be careful with my money now too. I used to just buy whatever I wanted since I didn't have any major bills to pay. Now I am going to have to think about what I buy and use some self- control. Bummer =) I am going to enjoy being on my own, but it is also going to take some getting used to. I just thank God for showing us this place and letting it be so perfect.

1 comment:

Coach C said...

wow. moving out! big step :)

Here are a couple of financial resources for you. They have helped me: