Monday, July 7, 2008

Ok, ok..I learned my lesson!

Yesterday I played soccer in the afternoon with the Sides family. No one else was wearing shin guards, so I decided with just a few of us we probably wouldn't be playing too rough and didn't wear any shin guards either. Part way through the game Austin and I were going for the ball and I got his foot in the leg, right on my "bad" spot. Hurt like the dickens! Then I trapped a long, hard ball from Justin in that spot and wanted to scream, it hurt so horribly. I just tried to jog it off and played for more than an hour after that. It was bruising and painful, but I went to the beach to swim for a bit before going home to get ready for church. At home I put it up and put some ice on it, then went to church. By the time church was done I was either going to cry, scream, or throw up, the pain was so awful. Never felt such pain in my life. It was agony to stand on my right leg. I wanted to talk to someone after church, but had to sit down while I waited. Kenzie, Aunt Cathy, and some others were standing around and asked why I was grimacing and groaning, so I showed them my leg. I made a comment, only half- seriously, about going to the ER. Aunt Cathy offered to take me, and with the way it looked and how badly it hurt, I decided to go. While I was there the pain continued, I got x-rays, Jeff came to look at them, and they told me it wasn't broken. Phew, just a bad bruise. I could be limping for several weeks, and it is still swollen, but nothing compared to last night. That was pretty much disgusting last night. I can walk on it today, though it is a little painful still. Really, I am fine and feel a little silly for going to the ER. Oh well. You probably would have too if you're leg looked like it had a baseball stuffed inside it! Needless to say, every family member I have talked to today has given me a hard time about not wearing shin guards, and Uncle Rick has threatened to get me a pair for birthday, Christmas, etc. from now on. You know, I'm not the only one who does stupid stuff...mine just is more obvious than everyone else's!

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