Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Evacuation Plan

You know that huge bruise I got playing soccer a couple Sundays ago? Well, this past weekend it was hurting such that I could not stand or walk on it without horrible pain, and the big lump on it was not going away at all. So, Jeff said he would do surgery on it and get all the blood out that was under some layer that wasn't supposed to be stretched so much. The surgery was called an "evacuation of a (something) hematoma" (I can't remember the kind of hematoma). I was not really happy about that, as you can imagine. And I did not want to be put to sleep during the procedure. But, I had the IV, the anesthesia, everything. It was ridiculous. Mrs. Muri was my post- op nurse, which was very nice. Oh, and one of the nurses working with Jeff on the surgery thought I looked familiar, and she said I looked "sort of like Dr. Anhalt's wife." Ha! I told her Sam was my cousin, and we all had a good laugh. My leg still hurts today and I can barely walk, but I should be better soon. At least it should be better for walking down the aisle in Karin's wedding!

1 comment:

tacky said...

Sorry to hear you are having such a rough time with your leg! I guess I have an aversion to pain that keeps me from sacrificing my body for the thrill of sports...wiffle ball with the kids even scares me...yes, I duck and cower! Too many flashbacks to my childhood and balls in the face and football with the neighbors! Rest and heal for that important job you have to do next weekend! I tried to arrange to come, but it isn't working out. sigh