Monday, April 16, 2007

"I Like This Game!" (and a check for $200)

Those words are music to a teacher's ears. My kids just love to play games, especially math games. Today we played a great game that reinforced types of numbers and place value. Sounds a bit young for 5th and 6th graders, but they loved it! I had enough numbers written on slips of paper so each student could have three. Each started out with one slip of paper held on their forehead or chest where they couldn't see the number. When I said "go!" students went around to classmates asking 'yes' and 'no' questions to figure out their number. Once they figured out their number they came to me and I gave them a new number. They had about 4 minutes to get through as many of their three numbers as possible. Whoever got through the most numbers in that time, or whoever figured out all three numbers first, was the winner. Students exclaimed over and over how much they enjoyed the game....yay!! We will definitely be playing that one again!

After school I found a check in the mail from Sprint for $200. I was expecting a rebate check, yes. However, I thought it was going to be $50, not $200. I was totally blown away...thank you Lord!

1 comment:

kathryn said...

i'll have to tell mikey he made the internet :) what a picture!
i blog like once in a blue moon but i'll have to put you on the list of ones worth checking :)

have a great night!