Tuesday, August 30, 2011

I am My Mother

As I get older I am amazed to see traits of both my parents manifested in my own lifestyle, personality, etc. Sitting in teacher meetings yesterday and today, I had the thought, "I am my mother!" and I had to chuckle. For those of you who know my mom well or have taught with her, you'll get this - I was sitting in our meetings taking notes, making lists and plans with my mom's signature blue Bic pen and yellow lined legal pad! Not only that, I am working in the same school with the same staff (mostly) teaching the same class she did! And I am happy to say that if I have to be like somebody, I'm so glad it's Chris Dykstra.

1 comment:

chris ann dykstra said...

love you, babe!! and, may we ever be more like Christ!