Tuesday, March 1, 2011

What Happened?

It's 5:11 p.m. on a Tuesday afternoon. I'm still at school, and that's ok because I don't have anything I have to do later. I love these long evenings at school when I can relax and enjoy doing all those teachery things I usually have to rush through. So what did my day look like, you ask? And why am I still here after 5? Here's what happened....

7:30 arrive and prep for the day
8:00 meet students; collect homework, say pledges, pray
8:15 5th/6th off to morning classes,; 4th in for math
9:21 late for 2nd grade math cause I ran eggs from Hyinks out to my car; made kids sit in the hallway so Ashleigh and I could have a potty break
10:20 5th/6h Class B arrives for math, my signal to dismiss 2nd grade
11:10 Class B successfully through math test 12 and on their way to Social Studies, Class A in for math
11:47 Class A finished with math test and we're late for lunch cause I was working on my best bulletin board yet
12:25 in from a lovely recess out in the gorgeous sunshine (I could even smell the lake on the breeze! benefits of being so close to the water)
1:05 just finished two chapters in our read-aloud book, Landon Snow and the Auctor's Riddle
1:40 5th/6th off to typing after a great intro to our new vocab unit, they already can use some of the words in sentences!
2:28 finished up a meeting with PNB about youth group stuff and back to meet 5th/6th graders
3:06 wrapped up our Samson lesson with a fun crossword puzzle review (they've really enjoyed our study of the book of Judges!)
3:13 still coaxing students out the door..."I love you, but you need to go home now!" (besides, I needed another potty stop!=)
3:21 back to work on the new bulletin board; this one is super cool but it's taking enough work to justify leaving it up the rest of the year; pictures possibly to follow
5:00 had to stop with the bulletin board - hoping some time away will help me think of the last perfect detail I need to make it complete.
5:10 done grading Class A's math tests and vocab assignments; checking email; writing on blog

I'm sure there were a few more potty breaks in there, but pretty much that's it. I LOVE being a teacher and can't imagine doing anything else!

1 comment:

chris ann dykstra said...

thanks for the update! you are a wonderful teacher, my darling daughter! i love you tons!