Friday, March 11, 2011


My students did so exceedingly fantastic on their vocab quiz today that I wanted everyone who reads my blog to know about it!! Each month they have twenty vocabulary words to learn. They learn the spelling, meaning, antonyms, synonyms, part of speech, and placement of the accent mark. It's alot! And the words aren't easy....we're talking about inimitable, controversial, entrepreneur, firebrand, vengeance, adjacent and many others. Today the kids had a quiz over this unit's first ten words. I gave the definitions and they had to give the correct word. Not only that, they had to spell them accurately. For bonus points, students could list the part of speech for each word. Most students got an A+, but all of the grades were above average and absolutely acceptable. Let it be known that I am so proud of my students and thank God for their hard work in preparing for this quiz.

1 comment:

Gracie said...

Hey i stumbled onto your blog when googlin ballroom dancing christians, i dint xpect to find smone who is a christian loves dancing and children as much as i do. hw do you manage to dance n kp the faith??