Tuesday, May 6, 2008


Today I split my students into groups and had them discuss the following question: Do you think 18 years old is the appropriate age for voting? I listened in on some of the discussion, and after a bit we came together to share thoughts and opinions. I was interested to find that the majority of my students thought 18 was a great age. In their opinion, 18 year olds are quite mature and ready to make decisions. After all, they are done with high school, have their driver's license, and are making decisions about college, therefore they're certainly mature enough to vote. Well, I listened respectfully to each and every thought and idea, then shared my own thoughts. First I pointed out that they are looking at 18 year olds from six years "below" while I am considering them from six years "above". They took that point very well and realized their views may change over time. I am glad to have discussions and hear what sixth graders think and say about topics we usually only hear adults discussing. I think that if we talked to our young people more about issues such as these, and even more important ones, we can really turn their thinking toward the Truth better. Instead of just telling them what they ought to believe and think, I say it is important to actually sit and talk things out. Sixth graders are humans with thoughts and opinion like anyone else. If we can talk about them now, we have a better chance of pointing those young people in the right direction. When they are older, we can have some hope and confidence that they will make wise decisions.

1 comment:

kathryn said...

good thoughts. good for ecnouraging thinking kids. :)