Friday, May 23, 2008


Well, duh, I didn't get any pictures today of me and my class. Oh well. Sad, but life goes on. We did a few little things in the classroom this morning, then they spent about an hour doing a scavenger hunt around the entire building. I made it yesterday...they were looking for all different things related to the church, school, and day care. I had a list of probably 40 questions. They really had a fun time doing it. One of my favorites was "What is Mrs. Wilson's favorite color?" because she doesn't have a favorite so she told each team a different color! For morning break I had Janna Smutz bring in cookies from her Signature Sweets business. They were so yummy! (she makes fabulous homemade cookies, and she delivers. great for any event, let me know if you want more information!) Finished the day playing ImaginIff. Good day, great year.

And even more exciting...I'm going to Florida next week! My good friends Melissa and Andrew are living there for the summer and I am going to see them! I haven't seen them since their wedding almost two years ago. Boy, am I looking forward to the warmth and the sunshine....mmmmm, I can almost feel it already. Woohoo! Freedom!

1 comment:

Melissa Franklin said...

I can't wait for you to come!