Friday, January 14, 2011

Multiplication Week, Days 3, 4, 5

Ok so I got a little behind. Teaching is a busy profession! And mentally exhausting. But it's worth it. I would not ever want to do anything else. Anyway, let's get caught up with the events of the rest of our multiplication week.

Day 3 - We wrote some more facts and found some fun places to recite them. We went in a "secret" hallway in the building that is one of those places that kids just love because you don't really know it's there and there's this huge gorgeous window. Anyway, the kids were in awe! Next we did a fun worksheet called a Multiplication Mosaic (Google that and you'll see the book I use). The bottom half of the worksheet has multiplication facts with one factor missing; beside each fact is the name of a color in parentheses. For example: 8 x ___ = 72 (purple). The top half of the page is a blank coordinate plane. After filling in the missing factors at the bottom, students use the two factors as coordinates, and instead of plotting a point on the grid they color the corresponding square with the color listed beside the fact. When they are finished plotting and coloring in the squares they see a special design. Our design for the day was a beautiful blue, black, and purple butterfly. The kids asked to do more! This activity is great because it gives a little different multiplication practice than the usual, plus they get practice with the coordinate plane which is something they will be using all through high school even.

Day 4 - More writing and reciting facts. We said the tens and elevens times tables to Mrs. Norman, our church secretary. Our big game was "King/Queen of the Class." I made a super fun crown for the current King or Queen to wear. Each time they beat someone the current King or Queen received a point to represent one year of their reign. No points were given for winning the crown from someone; they had to win it then beat another person to get their first "year". The kids loved this method! It added to the imagination of the game, rather than just keeping "points." Points are boring. To say that "Kara won because she reigned for seven years!" is so much more fun. =)

Day 5 - We reviewed our tricks and reminders; fun to see the progress even from Monday. Worked on one multiplication table worksheet. They spent the last half of the class doing a scavenger hunt. They were all over the building with the rules to walk, whisper, and work together. They did it great. To figure out each clue they had to answer multiplication facts then match the answer to a letter on a list I had made. The last one was to find me, where I had a new pencil for each of them as a reward for all their hard work this week. Difficult, tedious work can be made funner than fun, you just have to know how!

1 comment:

chris ann dykstra said...

sounds like a wonderful and fun filled week! i am so proud of you! love, mom