Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Math Rocks

This school year I once again have the privilege of being the 2nd grade and 4th grade math teacher!! So far it has been just as good as or even better than last year, if that's possible. I have six second grade students and seven fourth grade students. Both classes are fun and bright. Within a week or so my second graders were writing "Math Rocks" all over their papers. My fourth graders leave with happy "Thank You!"'s and "That was fun!!" Phew, cause sometimes the lessons or activities seem to be a flop. If the kids are enjoying class and learning, then I am pleased. Today the second graders had a pattern to design and color after their test. I pulled out my bags and boxes of crayons....I have tons! Charlie (yes, my Charlie, as in Charlie and Sydney, they're in my math class this year=) was impressed with the amount and said to me, "You are a prepared woman!" That brought a smile to my face, for certain. If you check out our school's new website and find me under "Contact...Faculty" you will see that I have been given the title of "Math Specialist." I had to laugh when I first saw that. I'm not sure how special I am, but I sure think math is special! It seems that my young scholars agree with me. Let's hope I can keep that positive, excited attitude going through the next few years!

1 comment:

chris ann dykstra said...

thanks for the update! i see dam did as well!