Saturday, February 25, 2012

How Do I Know?

This week I had the opportunity of a lifetime. My fifth graders wanted to know how they could be sure they are saved! Here's how it went down...
Tuesday morning we introduced our new memory verse - Isaiah 53:9. We have been working through that chapter for a while, talking alot about what Jesus did for us by taking the punishment for our sins. It's a wonderful passage. Tuesday morning the kids had several questions about heaven, judgment, things like that. After a few questions and answers, Keegan asked the question we all want to be asked...."But how do I know for sure that I'm saved??" I was blown away! Unfortunately, I was already late to dismiss them to their science class, and I had fourth graders waiting outside to come in for math class. I told Keegan that I would absolutely talk about his question but it would have to be later. Well, the whole class wanted in on the discussion, so I told them we'd have a meeting when they got back from their morning classes. While the fourth graders took their math test, I gathered a list of verses to discuss with my class. I decided (actually, the Spirit was working in me for sure to get it all together) to talk about the fact that we have to choose to believe Scripture is totally true. Then we looked at a bunch of verses that talk about Jesus' payment for our sins on the cross. So, if we decide to believe the Bible, we believe when it says that Jesus paid for our sins and that was enough. But then we also talked about evidences of salvation in our lives. Several of the verses we looked at talked about knowing we're in God when we keep His commandments. We talked for over an hour, discussing the verses, asking and answering more questions, and using other examples and illustrations. All throughout the meeting the students had their Bibles and were taking turns reading verses out loud. And if a student had an answer to another student's question, I let them answer. At the conclusion, Keegan seemed to be satisfied with the answers Scipture provided, and other students seemed to have questions answered of which I had not been aware. I have been on a spiritual high the past five days! This is what I took away from the experience:
1. I do have a ministry to unbelievers! So often I think I don't have much opportunity to witness and be involved with unbelievers. But this week I was made wide awake to the fact that Christian schools are not full of Christians. Many of our students need Christ, and I have the freedom to share Him any and every moment if I wish.
2. God blessed me greatly by allowing me to have such a responsibility in handling His Word, especially related to such a vital topic as salvation. I am humbled that He would use me as a vessel through which His Truth can be poured out on these dear children. I do not deserve that wonderful privilege. Yet, I'm commanded to do it, and how could I not share such a beautiful Gift with them?  
3. I am driven to be more faithful in my personal Bible study and realize now how important it is for me to consistently, carefully study the pure and perfect Word of God. Who knows when I may have this opportunity again?
Pretty much I can't even explain how amazing it felt to have that discussion with my students - sitting in a circle, Bibles in hand, talking freely about God's great love and sacrifice. I want more!

Friday, February 17, 2012

What Am I Thinking?

Some thoughts running through my mind lately...
*Romans is an amazing bit of Scripture, full of powerful Truths.
*Spring cannot come soon enough.
*God chose to reveal His grace to Gentiles when His own rejected Him and that is just awesome!
*I have the best fifth grade class in the world.
*My students continue to surprise me with their eagerness to learn, their willing participation in lessons, their obedience and good attitudes.
*I really need to start looking for a plane ticket to Utah for Andrea's wedding.
*It's time to get hotel reservations in WI for Kristin's wedding.
*Will I be ready for the 5k mud run in August? I better start running again and lifting weights.
*Fruit and veggies really are the best choice for me.
*My mom is the best friend anyone could ask for.
*I am surrounded by people who love and care for me.
*Alex, Luke, Cate, Will, Jack, Gracie, Liv, and Miles are the sweetest nieces and nephews and I am blessed to have them.
*Teaching is seriously my favorite thing to do.
*I'd really like to get another diamond earring to fill my third piercing I got last summer.
*When is the next new episode of Bones?
*Sunshine and birds singing are absolutely lovely.

These Kids

To be certain, fifth graders say some of the funniest things!
Keegan - "Does anyone not have a half sheet of paper?" (he wanted to share his extra piece)
Caiti - "I have a hurt knuckle..." (not sure how that answer Keeg's question?!)
Audrey - "Miss D., can I fling my pencil over there?"
Maddie - "Dude! I mean...Miss D.!"
Keegan- "Is that a lego?! You are awesome! I mean, you're awesome anyway, but you know what I mean." (I have a lego key chain and Keeg thinks it's pretty cool=)
Math problem in our lesson- "How do you know your answer is correct?"
Jacob's response on his math paper - "I'm awesome."