Friday, March 11, 2011


My students did so exceedingly fantastic on their vocab quiz today that I wanted everyone who reads my blog to know about it!! Each month they have twenty vocabulary words to learn. They learn the spelling, meaning, antonyms, synonyms, part of speech, and placement of the accent mark. It's alot! And the words aren't easy....we're talking about inimitable, controversial, entrepreneur, firebrand, vengeance, adjacent and many others. Today the kids had a quiz over this unit's first ten words. I gave the definitions and they had to give the correct word. Not only that, they had to spell them accurately. For bonus points, students could list the part of speech for each word. Most students got an A+, but all of the grades were above average and absolutely acceptable. Let it be known that I am so proud of my students and thank God for their hard work in preparing for this quiz.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

What Happened?

It's 5:11 p.m. on a Tuesday afternoon. I'm still at school, and that's ok because I don't have anything I have to do later. I love these long evenings at school when I can relax and enjoy doing all those teachery things I usually have to rush through. So what did my day look like, you ask? And why am I still here after 5? Here's what happened....

7:30 arrive and prep for the day
8:00 meet students; collect homework, say pledges, pray
8:15 5th/6th off to morning classes,; 4th in for math
9:21 late for 2nd grade math cause I ran eggs from Hyinks out to my car; made kids sit in the hallway so Ashleigh and I could have a potty break
10:20 5th/6h Class B arrives for math, my signal to dismiss 2nd grade
11:10 Class B successfully through math test 12 and on their way to Social Studies, Class A in for math
11:47 Class A finished with math test and we're late for lunch cause I was working on my best bulletin board yet
12:25 in from a lovely recess out in the gorgeous sunshine (I could even smell the lake on the breeze! benefits of being so close to the water)
1:05 just finished two chapters in our read-aloud book, Landon Snow and the Auctor's Riddle
1:40 5th/6th off to typing after a great intro to our new vocab unit, they already can use some of the words in sentences!
2:28 finished up a meeting with PNB about youth group stuff and back to meet 5th/6th graders
3:06 wrapped up our Samson lesson with a fun crossword puzzle review (they've really enjoyed our study of the book of Judges!)
3:13 still coaxing students out the door..."I love you, but you need to go home now!" (besides, I needed another potty stop!=)
3:21 back to work on the new bulletin board; this one is super cool but it's taking enough work to justify leaving it up the rest of the year; pictures possibly to follow
5:00 had to stop with the bulletin board - hoping some time away will help me think of the last perfect detail I need to make it complete.
5:10 done grading Class A's math tests and vocab assignments; checking email; writing on blog

I'm sure there were a few more potty breaks in there, but pretty much that's it. I LOVE being a teacher and can't imagine doing anything else!