Tuesday, February 16, 2010

"How can you tell your parents love you?"

This is what my fifth and sixth graders said...
They tell me they love me
They bring me to a Christian school
They make sure I don't lie
They tell me they love me
They help me with my homework
She doesn't waste her money
She doesn't let me do whatever I want
They help me on projects that are hard
They protect me
I get to sleep in their bed
They feed me every night (and other times during the day, I hope!=)
They teach about God
They go to work for me
They make sure I'm in good hands
They tuck me in at night
They do fun things with me
They put us kids as their first priority
They pay for schooling for me
They let me do crazy things
They let me have friends over

And this is what I say...Even though I'm an adult and don't live with my parents anymore I know they love me because...
They still buy me food sometimes
They got me new tires
They pay for alot of other things too!
They let me come over whenever I want
They like to hang out with me
They pray for me all the time
They listen to my problems and give me good advice
They encourage me to be a good teacher, friend, Christian
They love my friends and my students
They make sure I'm not getting myself too busy
They bring me souvenirs from their vacations
They tell me the truth even when I might not like it
They'll get up late at night or early in the morning to help me (bring medicine, get my car out of the snow, etc.!)
They say "I love you"
...and so so so much more!!!!
Join me

Tuesday, February 2, 2010


Last night the LACE girls were at my house because Kris is out of town. I try to do good discussions and not just talk the entire time, but I am a teacher and it is too easy for me to just talk!!! (sorry girls=) We are talking this semester about not wasting our lives. After reviewing stuff from last week, I talked about "life descriptions" of people from the Bible. Some were Anna, Ezra, Josiah, Hezekiah, Zacharias and Elizabeth (my favorite!), and Job. I made the point that these people probably didn't know that their lives would be recorded for all eternity to know and see! What if God wrote something down about our lives today that would be "kept on file" for all eternity? What would God write? That challenged me, even as I shared the thought with the girls! I ended with Ecclesiastes 12:13-14. That verse basically says that the whole point is to fear God and keep His commandments. If we don't do that our lives are wasted. I think it stuck with some of the girls. I hope so. As I reviewed and studied and prayed I was moved by God. I so hope they were as well. And as you read this post, I hope you are challenged, too, to think about your life in view of eternity. What have you done for God today? What time has been wasted in the last 24 hours? It's a sobering, humbling thought!!