Monday, March 30, 2009

Monday after Spring Break...Yuck-E!

I stayed up way too late all during spring break, and today I paid the price for it. Oh I went to bed on time last night, for sure. But my late nights over the past week have caught up with me. I groaned as the alarm clock went off, as I turned on the lights, as I got out of my hot shower, as I prepared this morning for class, as I met my students in the gym. Not a happy teacher this morning. But, my students are so sweet and patient. So is my administrator. And God is far more gracious than I ever deserve. And when Josh said to me after social studies, "Thanks for teaching us about Australia," I had to smile. See, it was all worth it. Thank you, God, for this awesome ministry!

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Why I Love Spring Break

First of all, students aren't the only ones who love spring break, you know. Teachers probably look forward to it more actually. This year, our 1st & 2nd grade teacher went to Florida with her hubby. Fun! Mostly the other teachers were staying around here, though, I think. I did...I had a "staycation." Monday and Tuesday were pretty much busy all day. Nothing planned Wednesday or Thursday (today). I woke up yesterday morning and nearly panicked. What in the world was I going to do for a whole entire day??!?!? Aaaaahhh! Well, I got busy and stayed busy all the way up til church time when I had infant nursery ministry to attend to. Great day, not having anything planned. Today too. So, here are some reasons why I love love love spring break:

- No such thing as "I'm just stopping by to say hello." I can spend entire days with family and friends, rather than mere minutes or hours.
- Breakfast, 10:30 Lunch 2:30, Supper, 7:30 Snacks, all day
- Alarm clock? Yeah, right.
- Pajamas or jeans all day, no problem.
- I can rearrange the furniture at midnight one night,
- Then I can rearrange it again two days later.
- Nobody cares or is affected if I stay up til 2am watching Stargate
- I can sleep in my room, in the guest room, at mom's house, at Sam's house...anywhere, cause I don't have school "tomorrow".
- My walk doesn't have to be sometime between 4 and 9, I can go out any time of day
- Okay, basically, I can do whatever I want =)