I really
meant to keep up with my blog, but I guess I totally failed! Things didn't get much easier or better after I last posted, so I haven't exactly been in the mood to share my "wonderful", "exciting", and "happy" life with you. Especially since those words are definitely not what I would use to describe the last few weeks! Oh well, I am doing better now and will make an effort to post regularly.
You know, I was so looking forward to this Thanksgiving weekend. I didn't have many plans, and the ones I did have promised to be fun and relaxing. Wednesday, after I got off work at the day care, I went to Adam and Amanda's for dinner and a movie. We stayed up late, as usual, and had a blast. Thursday we had a morning church service, dinner at Gram and Gramps', and a free afternoon. That evening I went to Adam and Amanda's again for frozen pizzas, Oreos and ice cream, and Ocean's 13. Good movie. Unfortunately, I was sick all Thursday night and ended up with full blown flu all day Friday. I'm talking fever, chills, throwing up...it was bad. I have not felt so miserable in a very long time. Saturday I stayed home all day, mostly in bed again. Watched a few movies, did some laundry, but mostly stayed in bed. Now I am home from church this cold fall morning, wishing I was anywhere but in this house! If I rest this morning, perhaps I will be up to evening church. Can you believe I am actually looking forward to going back to school tomorrow?!
What a way to spend a vacation weekend, eh? I wanted to shop (yes, I know I am crazy), go see a movie, spend some time with my grandparents, hang out with the Woodbys. Nothing was set in stone, but it all sounded like such fun for a long weekend. Bummer!!! I will have to make up for it over Christmas break...
PS...(do blog posts have PS's?)Psalm 37 is incredibly encouraging if you are discouraged, frustrated, or hurting in some way. It lifted my spirits right up!